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 Updated 6/26/2024


Adult Consultant: Jerry Krebs, Maria Harp

Junior Consultants:


Arrival time:               Exhibition Rabbits - 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday before the fair.

                                    Meat Rabbits - 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday before the fair.

Dismissal time:          Exhibition Rabbits 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday

                                   Meat Rabbits – one hour after the show if they will not sell, or 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday

Show times:              All shows in the Rabbit Barn

                                  8 a.m. Thursday, Market Show followed by Showmanship and Exhibition Show


General Rabbit Rules

1.      See General Rules for Junior Livestock Exhibitors for more information.

2.      To be eligible to show, rabbits must be caged between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday before the fair begins. If a rabbit project is removed before 4 p.m. Saturday, the exhibitor will not be eligible to show the following year, unless a legitimate excuse is presented to and accepted by the Junior and Adult Junior Fair Rabbit Consultants.

3.      Cages and feed will be provided. It will be the exhibitor’s responsibility to feed, water and clean cages daily. Failure to do so may forfeit the opportunity to show and/or sell the project. A note about cleanup will be distributed to exhibitors at rabbit check-in before fair begins. Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning their pens and area. See Rule 3 under Care and Handling in the General Livestock Rules.

4.      The Junior Fair is not responsible for rabbits remaining in the rabbit barn after 6 p.m. Saturday.

5.      A bulletin board will be provided for advertising. No other signs, posters, etc. will be permitted. However, club signs are permitted if installed prior to rabbits arriving. Exhibitors may sell rabbits caged during the fair (with pick-up during dismissal time) but may not bring additional rabbits to sell.


Section 1: (Exhibition) Breeding Rabbits

1.      See General Rules for Junior Livestock Exhibition and General Rabbit Rules for more information.

2.      Rabbits must be in the possession and care of the exhibitor on or before the second Saturday on May of the current year. Project and tattoo numbers must be received by the Junior Fair Board on or before 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. the second Saturday on May or turned in at the Clermont County Fun Show in April/May.

3.      Exhibition rabbits with “fresh” tattoos will not be permitted to show and must be removed from the Rabbit Barn immediately.

4.      Exhibitors may register three exhibition rabbits but may only show two in Junior Fair classes. This could mean an exhibitor can show two exhibition rabbits and one doe and litter, a meat pen and a single fryer.

5.      All exhibitors are encouraged to participate in showmanship.

6.      Three rabbits of a breed constitute a class; otherwise, an All Other Variety (AOV) class will be provided.

7.      Junior Fair members must be properly enrolled in a 4-H rabbit project. 4-H members may take a breeding, Project 225; meat, Project 226 (Project 225, Project 226). Exhibitors who are not 4-H members must be properly enrolled in their respective youth organization and must be carrying a rabbit project in that organization.

8.      If an exhibition rabbit becomes ill, or expires, it must be removed from the fair immediately.

9.      All rabbits must be brought to the fair in pet-approved transportation cages so that animals can move around and get fresh air.


Section 2: Meat Pen (Market Rabbits)

1.      See General Rules for Junior Livestock Exhibition and General Rabbit Rules for more information.

2.      Exhibitors may show one meat pen consisting of three (3) rabbits.

3.      Exhibitors may purchase their meat pen rabbits and raise them from as young an age as possible after purchase. The suggested age for meat rabbits is 10 weeks of age at fair time. Check the American Rabbit Breeder’s Association guidelines. Meat pen rabbits may not be more than 70 days old at the current year’s fair. That means rabbits must be born on or after 70 days before the first day of the current year’s fair. This means rabbits need to be bred 28 to 34 days before the required birth date.

4.      Exhibitors must be present at tattoo day, weigh-in, judging and sale of meat pens.

5.      All rabbits must be weighed dry. No wet rabbits will be weighed.

6.      Rabbits will be tattooed in on the third Saturday in June. 

7.      Each exhibitor can tattoo in 5 rabbits. These rabbits will be used for the meat pen and single fryer projects. 

8.      Meat pens will be weighed in from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. the Saturday before the fair begins. Exhibitors may bring five rabbits to weigh-in. They will choose the best three to show. The remaining two rabbits must be removed from the fairgrounds immediately after weighing.

9.     To show and sell, the pen of three must weigh 9 lbs. to 16.5 lbs. Individual rabbits cannot weigh under 3 lbs. or more than 5.5 lbs. Pens over- or under-weight cannot show or sell and must be removed from the fairgrounds immediately after weighing. 

10.    If one of the animals in the pen becomes ill and/or expires, it must be removed from the fairgrounds immediately. This means the project is over since three rabbits are needed for the pen.

11.    Champion and Reserve Champion meat pens must sell.

12.    Meat pens sold in the sale are dismissed following the sale, with a sale slip.

13.    Immediately following the sale of the rabbits, exhibitors must meet with their buyer to discuss what the buyer wants to do with the rabbits. The buyer can donate the animals back to the exhibitor or to an organization like Long Branch Farm or take them home themselves.

14.    All exhibitors of meat pen rabbits must attend a quality assurance training or pass the test-out option. See mandatory quality assurance meeting rules.

15.    The meat pen project shall follow the American Rabbit Breeders Association guidelines for judging.


Section 3: Fryer Project (Market Rabbit)

1.      Junior Fair members may show and sell one fryer project, which is one meat rabbit. Fryer rabbits must weigh between 3 lbs. and 6 lbs. The fryer project shall follow the American Rabbit Breeders Association guidelines for judging. The suggested ag3 for meat rabbits is 10 weeks of age at fair time. Check the American Rabbit Breeder’s Association guidelines. Single fryer rabbits may not be more than 70 days old at the current year’s fair. That means rabbits must be born 70 days before the first day of the current year’s fair. This means rabbits need to be bred 28 to 34 days before the required birth date.

2.      Breeding dates are the same as for meat pen rabbits.

3.      Tattoo rule is the same as meat pen. Only 5 rabbits tattooed in per exhibitor. These 5 rabbits are used for meat pen and single fryer projects. 

4.      One fryer rabbit is allowed per exhibitor.

5.      This animal may be sold. The Champion and Reserve Champion must sell.


Section 4: Doe and Litter Class (Breeding Rabbit)

1.      The litter must be between five and nine weeks old at the fair with preferably a minimum of three in the litter with no maximum number for the litter.

2.      The litter will be judged on uniformity such as size, color or pattern markings.

3.      4-H members showing in this class must be enrolled in the breeding rabbit project (Project 225).


Section 5: Pet Rabbit

1.      Pet rabbits will show in the Small Animal Show Tuesday. Pet rabbits may only be brought to the fair the day of the Small Animal Show and must be taken home immediately following the show; they cannot be left on the fairgrounds. Pet rabbits may not participate in the Junior Fair Rabbit Show or Showmanship. If an exhibitor wants to participate in the fair show, the pet rabbit needs to be enrolled in Project 225, Breeding Rabbit.

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The Clermont County Fair
July 20 - 26, 2025
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Fair Grounds and website owned, maintained and authorized by The Clermont County Agricultural Society

​2024 Membership tickets for the Clermont County Agricultural Society will be on sale from January 2024, until Wednesday at noon of fair week. You must be a resident of Clermont County and be at least 18 years of age. Membership entitles you to voting privileges and the opportunity to run for fair board director.

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