Updated 6/26/2024
Section 1: Junior Fair Royalty
Consultants – Stacey Sandfoss, Cindy Stegbauer, Faith Stegbauer, Theresa Herron, Kelly Royalty
2023 Royalty
Queen - Amber Averwater
Queen Runner Up - Karli Shuck
Prince - Robert Angelo
Princess - Winnie Hums
Beef - Jake Corsmeier and Katey Wolfer
Dairy - Camryn Hall
Equine - Ashley Huebner
General Projects - Deklan Montes and Morgan Hall
Dairy Goat - Ellie Breitenstein
Meat Goat - Elizabeth Lindsey
Small Animal - Paisley Besanko Jensen
Swine - Shelby Highfield
Time: 5 p.m. Sunday
Location: Multi-purpose Building
General Rules:
1. Participants must be eligible and registered Junior Fair exhibitors in a recognized Clermont County Junior Fair organization.
2. Participants must be single, with no children.
3. Participants named as members of the Royal Court must have a project on the fairgrounds of the current fair.
4. Candidates must have been a fair exhibitor the previous year.
5. Participants in the King and Queen Contest must be at least 16 years of age on January 1 of the current year and no older than 18 years of age on the same date.
6. Participants of the Prince and Princess Contest must be at least 11 years of age as of January 1 of the current year and no older than 13 years of age on the same date.
7. Industry representatives must be at least 15 years of age as of January 1 of the current year and no older than 18 years of age on the date.
8. If no applications are received for a Royalty seat by the designated deadline, that seat will remain vacant until the following year’s application period.
9. A contestant may compete/interview for one species seat only. The nominee also may run for Fair Queen or Fair King if age eligible. Only one application must be submitted if competing for both species representative and Fair Queen or Fair King.
10. To be declared a winner of a Royalty seat the Fair King, Fair Queen and Industry Representative contestants must score at least 250 points out of 300; Prince and Princess contestants must score at least 150 out of 200 points throughout the judging process. In addition, each contestant must score a minimum of 75 points, out of 100 points, on the application to receive a personal interview.
11. Clermont County Junior Fair contests include:
Junior Fair King and Queen
Junior Fair King and Queen Runners Up
Junior Fair Prince and Princess
Beef Representative
Goat Industry Representative
Dairy Cattle Representative
Equine Representative
General Projects/Home Economics Representative
Pork Industry Representative
Sheep Representative
Small Animal Representative
12. The Fair Queen is expected to represent Clermont County at the Ohio Fairs’ Queen contest the following January at the Ohio Fair Managers Association annual convention held in Columbus, Ohio.
13. Current Royalty Contestants must take part in all activities associated with the judging process held prior to the Royalty crowning ceremony the Sunday of the fair.
a. Anyone wishing to participate in the royalty contest must submit an interest form by Friday, May 26, 2023.
b. All completed applications must be received by Friday June 23, 2023.
c. All applicants will be expected to complete a royalty orientation prior to the day of interviews. Days and times to be determined.
d. Interviews will be held Sunday, July 16, 2023, in the Multi-Purpose Building. Entrants not participating in this interview session will not be considered for a Royalty position. No alternative interview dates or times will be considered.
e. Those who interview for a royalty position must participate in the fair parade Sunday of the fair. Details regarding their required participation will be presented to those who interview the Sunday before the fair begins.
14. The prince, princess and industry representatives will be selected at the interview session the Sunday before the fair and announced at the Royalty contest the Sunday of the fair.
15. The Junior Fair King and Queen will be chosen after an on-stage question session held during the Royalty Contest the Sunday of the fair.
16. All Royalty members of the current year must attend the Royalty Contest the next year to assist in crowning their replacements.
17. The Royal Court must attend a scheduling session to be held immediately after the Royalty Contest of the current year to schedule activities during the current fair week or risk losing their crown/title.
18. Royalty members are to be at their assigned activities during the current fair week or risk losing their crown/title.
19. Royalty members are asked to participate in promotional activities before the next year’s fair to promote Junior Fair.
20. Accepted clothing is as follows for all members of the Royalty Court and is intended to project a professional appearance:
a. Males: Clean, nice pants with no holes with clean, nice oxford or polo shirts. Neat grooming is expected when appearing as a member of the royal court. Hats are not permitted inside buildings, but they are allowed inside show arenas and barns.
b. Females: Clean, nice pants with no holes with clean, appropriate length tops. No crop tops, or tank tops will be accepted as appropriate. No short shorts will be accepted. Neat grooming is expected when appearing as a member of the royal court. Dress or skirts must be no more than two inches above the knee.
21. Crowns and/or sashes are not to be worn during the Royalty member’s competitions or sales but are to be worn during shows and sales the Royalty member is presiding over.
22. Any Junior Fair Royalty Court member arrested, indicted and/or convicted of a crime before their reign is complete will automatically forfeit their crown and Royalty status.
23. Any member of the Royalty Court, male or female, who becomes a parent or is expecting a child before passing on their crown, automatically forfeits their crown and Royalty status.
24. All decisions by judges are final.
25. Entrants and their parent/legal guardians must read, sign and submit the Junior Fair Royalty code of behavior/ethics with the application by the designated application deadline.
26. All special circumstances will be referred to the Junior Fair Royalty consultants for consideration and a final decision.
27. Once being crowned Queen, King, Prince, Princess or Industry Representative, a person may not run for that royal position again.
28. All royalty members are expected to work the livestock sale Friday and Saturday of the fair.
29. Skill-a-thon will be part of the industry representative’s score. Each person running for an industry representative must participate in that species’ skill-a-thon and achieve a skill-a-thon score of 70 or higher to be eligible to be an industry representative candidate.
30. Contestants must consider before applying for a royalty position if he or she will be available at the fair during their assigned duties. If college or work conflict, then that person should not apply to be a royalty candidate.
31. The Clermont County King and Queen scholarships are sponsored by the Clermont County 4-H Endowment Fund in memory of Kathleen Retzler. This fund is used to support the Clermont County 4-H program. This support may include, but is not limited to, the funding of trips and awards for 4-H youth and purchasing materials and supplies to enhance 4-H programs in Clermont County. For more information or to donate, contact Pat Louiso at 513-383-6870.
Consultants - Carl and Penny Church
Contest Time: 12 p.m. Friday, beginning in the Horse Arena.
Then contest will move to the Gibbons Arena.
Then contest will move to the Holman Livestock Complex.
General Rules
Contestants will show each specie as a group class. Species will show in the following order: Horse, swine, goat, sheep, dairy and beef.
Show animals will be furnished by the Junior and Senior Consultants of each species. Contestant’s contest animal will be selected at random by a drawing. No contestant will show their own animal, or an animal owned by a member of their immediate family. If possible, only feeder calves will be used for the beef classes.
Classes will be judged and placed like a regular showmanship class. Points will be awarded as follows:
First – 1 point
Second – 2 points
Third – 3 points
Fourth – 4 points
Fifth – 5 points
Sixth – 6 points
The contestant with the lowest number of total points will be named Showman of Showmen.
In a case of a tie, one specie will be pulled out of a hat, except horses since that animal will be shown in the horse arena and contestants will not return to that area after leaving. The species will not include the animals shown by the two tied showmen. The two showmen will show the specie pulled from the hat again and the lowest score wins.
Contestants are asked to wear comfortable and appropriate clothing for showing large animals at a fair, (boots, jeans, plain oxford shirt, plain polo-type shirt, etc.). It is the committee’s desire that the judges not know the representative from each specie. Because of this, participants are not allowed to wear clothes that are specific to their specie. White clothes for dairy and dairy goat showmen and western clothes or English riding wear for horse exhibitors are examples of what is not allowed.
One exhibitor may not represent more than one specie in the contest.
These rules apply to both Junior and Adult Divisions.
Once an adult wins the adult divisions, they must sit out five years.
Adults and juniors may not represent the same species two years in a row.
Once a junior wins the competition, they may not compete again as a junior.
Contestants who display unsportsmanlike conduct will be excused from the contest.
Consultant – Theresa Herron, Amy Jent
Time of Event: 8 p.m. Thursday in the Gibbons Arena
Events: Egg and Spoon Relay Balloon Bust
Egg Toss Water Balloon Toss
Sack Race Three-Legged Race
General Rules:
All Junior Fair exhibitors are invited to participate.
Consultant: Kelly Royalty
Event Date: Monday of the fair
Event Check-In: 9 a.m.
Judging Starts: 9:30 a.m.
Event Location: 4-H Hall
Awards Presentation: 4 p.m., 4-H Hall
General Rules
1. A member who has given a talk or participated in the marketing division in a previous year is expected to give a new and different talk or present new and different marketing concepts the next year.
2. All work is to be original work created by the 4-H member(s) for 4-H.
Presentation Division Rules
1. Pre-registration must be submitted to the Ohio State University Extension Office by 4:00 p.m. the Monday before fair week.
2. A team presentation consists of two people sharing the speaking and teaching role. When members of a team fall into different age categories, they will participate in the older class.
3. Easels, a microphone, a table with/out mirror, laptop computer, screen, LCD projector, and extension cord will be available for use by participants.
4. All presentations will be given inside of the 4-H Hall
5. Due to the limitations of the building’s facilities, no large animals (i.e. horse, beef, sheep, goat, dairy or hogs over 20 pounds) may be used in a 4-H presentation. Members should use models, photographs or illustrations to make their point when giving a talk about large animals.
6. Any small animal (under 20 pounds) may be used in a 4-H presentation provided the animals do not place the public at risk and provided they meet all of the health requirements established by the Ohio Department of Agriculture Livestock Health Requirements. Current health and shot records must be carried with the animal. Animals must remain caged or leashed before and after the presentation.
7. Members are expected to set up their own presentation; however, there will be a judge’s assistant available. A reasonable amount of time will be allotted for set up.
8. All presentations will be timed. Timing begins when the member begins to speak and ends following the conclusion. Questions and answers are not included in the official time.
9. Firearms, bows, arrows, weapons, air pistols or air rifles, paintball guns, gun cases or any reasonable facsimile are not permitted to be used in a demonstration or illustrated talk. Plastic replicas are permissible, caution is urged in the use of items that look truly authentic as they may create concerns with the fair security and may not be permitted on the fairgrounds.
10. Members who use PowerPoint, Prezi, or other similar technology within an illustrated talk or demonstration should use the technology to supplement their delivery. The presentation may not consist solely of a pre-recorded narration. The member is required to provide a live delivery of the topic.
10. Members using computer programs such as PowerPoint or Prezi may bring their own equipment to the Clermont County Fair. A laptop that operates on a Microsoft Windows-based program will be provided for the participant to use if needed. It will include a recent edition of PowerPoint. If you have other software programs, you should bring your own laptop. Members may bring a CD or USB flash drive to use on the provided equipment and should have knowledge of how to install the flash drive.
11. Members using technology that experience computer glitches may, with permission of the judge, call upon outside assistance for technical help. Members are expected to be able to perform routine set-up and use of the equipment.
12. When members using technology experience an equipment failure or glitch that cannot be resolved in a reasonable time (two to three minutes), the judge may elect to move to the next presentation. The member will be given time to work out the technical problem off stage and then re-schedule the presentation with the judge’s assistant. If the member experiences a second failure, the presentation will be ended and evaluated accordingly.
13. Presenters should plan to arrive 15 minutes early to check in at the registration desk.
14. Presenters are encouraged to attend the Awards Ceremony, which will be held in the 4-H Hall at 4 p.m.
16. See specific class rules and schedule for additional information.
Presentation Division Classes
Illustrated Talk or Demonstration - without use of computer technology
J-1 Junior Individual (age 8-10)
J-2 Junior Team (age 8-10)
• The presenter uses appropriate props and other visual aides to teach others about a subject or how to do something.
• May use charts, posters or pictures to accompany their illustrated talk or demonstration.
• PowerPoint or computer generated messages are not used in these classes.
• Presenters are evaluated on their ability to convey information and teach on a particular topic. See score sheet for more information on the areas of evaluation.
• Presentations should be 5-7 minutes in length.
Illustrated Talks or Demonstrations---with or without the use of Computer Technology
J-3 Intermediate Individual (age 11-13)
J-4 Intermediate Team (age 11-13)
J-5 Senior Individual (age 14 and up)
J-6 Senior Team (age 14 and Up)
• The presenter uses appropriate props, posters and/or computer-generated visual aides to teach others about a particular topic, practice, procedure, scientific principle or phenomenon. Use of computer-generated visuals is NOT required. Examples:
- A demonstration may be delivered in this category. PowerPoint-type slides or Prezi may be used in addition to other props to help present the message.
- An illustrated talk may be delivered in this category, with the member(s) using PowerPoint- or Prezi-type technology to present all or part of the visual message; must be accompanied by live narration.
• Requires live speech delivered along with any PowerPoint, Prezi, poster or other message. (No pre- recorded narration.)
• Presentations are evaluated on the members’ communication skills and their ability to effectively use technology, posters or other props to enhance their illustrated talk or demonstration.
• Presentations should be 8-10 minutes in length.
Marketing Division Rules
1. Any 4-H member meeting age eligibility requirements may enter the Marketing Division.
2. Members participating in Presentation Division Classes J-1 through J-6 also may enter the Marketing Division.
3. A member may enter only one class in the Marketing Division.
4. Use of copyrighted or protected characters or logos is not permitted, with the exception of the 4-H emblem. If used, the 4-H emblem must be used correctly. See https://nifa.usda.gov/4-h-name-and-emblem for guidelines.
5. Registration forms and entries must be submitted for judging by 4:00 p.m. Monday, July 16.
6. All marketing division awards will be presented at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 23, during the Communication Contest awards ceremony.
7. Members do NOT accompany these entries to judging, and judging is NOT open to the public.
Marketing Division Classes
J-7 Junior Individual (age 8-11) – Thank You Card without use of computer graphics or scrapbooking tools.
J-8 Junior Individual (age 8-11) – Thank You Card with the use of computer graphics or scrapbooking tools.
• Entries in J-7 and J-8 should be an original “thank you” card with artwork on the cover. An inside message is not required, but may be included at the discretion of the designer. Inside messages will not be judged. Use of the 4-H emblem is strongly encouraged, but not required.
• Card should be on 8 ½ x 11 white cardstock, folded once.
• Art and message must be the original work of the member.
• Member may use any medium, including crayon, chalk, pen and ink, pencil, markers, etc. No use of computers or scrapbooking tools in creating entries in Class J-6. Designs must be hand-lettered and drawn or cut by hand.
When using 4-H logo that is downloaded it must go into the graphics division.
Artwork or lettering created with the aid of scrapbooking tools or computers is permitted in J-7 provided the design is the original work of the member. No commercially designed clipart may be used.
These designs must be able to be duplicated.
• Member’s name, age, and county should be neatly printed in the lower right-hand corner on the back of the card.
• Evaluation will be based on the quality, creativity and originality of the design.
• By submitting an entry, you give the Clermont County 4-H Committee the rights to use the chosen cards as the Clermont County 4-H Program’s official Thank You Cards. The cards will display the 4-H member’s first initial, last name and club name.
J-9 Intermediate Individual (age 12, 13) – 4-H Winter Holiday Card – without the use of computer graphics or scrapbooking tools.
J-10 Intermediate Individual (age 12, 13) – 4-H Winter Holiday Card – with the use of computer graphics or scrapbooking tools.
• Entries in J-9 and J-10 should be an original “Holiday” card with artwork on the cover. An inside message is not required, but may be included at the discretion of the designer. Inside messages will not be judged. Use of the 4-H emblem is strongly encouraged, but not required.
• Card should be on 8 ½ x 11 white cardstock, folded once.
• Art and message must be the original work of the member.
• Member may use any medium, including crayon, chalk, pen and ink, pencil, markers, etc. No use of computers or scrapbooking tools in creating entries in Class J-8. Designs must be hand-lettered and drawn or cut by hand.
• When using 4-H logo that is downloaded it must go into the graphics division.
• Artwork or lettering created with the aid of scrapbooking tools or computers is permitted in J-10, provided the design is the original work of the member. No commercially designed clipart may be used.
• These designs must be able to be duplicated.
• Member’s name, age, and county should be neatly printed in the lower right-hand corner of the back of the card.
• Evaluation will be based on the quality, creativity, and originality of the design.
• By submitting an entry, you give the Clermont County 4-H Committee the rights to use the chosen cards as the Clermont County 4-H Program’s official Holiday Cards. The cards will display the 4-H member’s first initial and last name.
J-11 Senior Individual (age 14 and up) – Infomercial Promoting 4-H
• This is a video “short” that promotes the 4-H program.
• This must be a fully automated, stand-alone video presentation with sound and narration as appropriate. Think “YouTube.” The video should include recorded visual, sound and narration to convey a message.
• The video should be the original work of the member making the entry.
• Images in the video should be appropriate for promoting 4-H. Use pictures of youth who are of 4-H age; when possible, show the diversity of membership, projects, and activities; show youth exercising appropriate safety practices (i.e. wearing helmets on horseback).
• The video should be 2-4 minutes long. Penalties may be assessed for videos less than 2 minutes or longer than 4 minutes.
• Videos must be submitted on a DVD and must play using QuickTime Player or Windows Media Player.
• The member’s name, age and county must be neatly written on the DVD, along with the presentation title.
• Evaluation will be based on the quality and originality of the message, which should persuade the viewer to action, as well as on the creative and professional use of technology.
• By submitting an entry, you agree to allow counties and/or the state 4-H office to use the promotional video to promote 4-H throughout Ohio.
Consultant: Kelly Royalty
Event Date: Tuesday of the fair
Time: 10 a.m.
Location: 4-H Hall
General Rules:
1. Clermont County 4-H Cloverbuds are encouraged to bring an item to share as part of show and tell with Junior Fair Royalty.
2. The item should be something that the Cloverbud made or learned about at a club meeting or as part of their participation in the Cloverbud program.
3. No animals may be brought to Cloverbud Show and Tell, regardless of size.
4. Each participant will receive an award.
Consultant – Kelly Royalty
Event Date: Wednesday of Fair
Event Time: 2 p.m.
Event Location: 4-H Hall
Participants will participate in a coding challenge using a Sphero and iPad (equipment provided).
General Rules:
1. Participants should be between the ages of 8 and 18.
2. Event will be limited to 15 teams.
3. Pre-registration must be submitted to the Ohio State University Extension Office by 4 p.m. Monday, prior to fair.
4. Participants can work in teams of 2-4.
5. Investigate the scientific method as you formulate and test your hypothesis.
6. Develop problem-solving, communication and teamwork skills.
Consultant - Margaret Jenkins
Judging Date: Thursday of the fair
Judging Check-In: 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Judging Time: 12 p.m.
Location: Multi-Purpose Building
Awards Presentation: 4 p.m., Multi-Purpose Building
Recipe Template: https://u.osu.edu/extensionclermont/files/2022/05/Bake-It-Recipe-Template-1.pdf
General Rules
1. Junior entries are open to any youth 5 years of age to 18 years of age as of January 1 of the current year. The contest will be judged on merit only with ribbons as prizes.
2. To qualify, the entry must be the work of the youth from start to finish, without help from an adult. This includes reading and following the recipe, measuring, mixing, baking, etc. Suggestion: Do a few practice runs prior to the fair, teaching the youth how to make the item and providing any needed help. This will instill confidence so that when they are ready to bake for the fair, they will not need adult help.
3. Any youth who wishes to compete for premiums or have his/her item auctioned may do so by buying a season pass from the Senior Fair Board and following the same rules as adult exhibitors. Again, these entries must be completely made by the junior exhibitor.
4. Participants may enter multiple categories; however, only one entry per category will be accepted.
5. All baked goods must be made from scratch unless specified. Boxed cake mix or Styrofoam forms may be used for Cake Decorating classes. Boxed cake mix may be used for Cupcake Decorating classes.
6. Recipes must be typed in the Bake-It contest recipe card template, printed on 8.5” x 11” paper and attached to the participants’ entry. The fillable recipe card template can be found at https://u.osu.edu/extensionclermont/files/2022/05/Bake-It-Recipe-Template-1.pdf.
7. Only products that may be safely stored at room temperature may be entered. All eggs must be cooked. Cream Cheese may not be used in any icing. Pies requiring refrigeration (i.e.: custard, cream) will not be accepted. Bread machine entries will not be accepted.
8. All items brought to judging must be brought in a disposable container. All items must be covered.
9. Cake decorating classes will be judged according to the current year’s fair theme.
10. Awards will be given for one overall Best of Show and for first, second, third prize in the following categories:
Division 1 – Youth ages 5-8 (as of January 1 of the current year)
Class 1 – Cupcake Decorating (six cupcakes; judged on appearance only)
Class 2 – No Bake Cookies
Class 3 – Sweet and Savory Trail Mix (with or without heat source in preparation)
Class 4 – Edible Sculpture (12”x12”x12” sculpture; must be made 100% edible
products, except for the use of toothpicks and skewers)
Division 2 – Youth ages 9-13 (as of January 1 of the current year)
Class 5 – Cookies (six cookies)
Class 6 – Fudge (six pieces of fudge)
Class 7 – Brownies (six brownies)
Class 8 – Quick Bread
Class 9 – Make it with Fresh Herbs (fresh herbs must be an ingredient)
Class 10 – Cupcake Decorating (six decorated cupcakes; judged on appearance only)
Class 11 – Cake Decorating (any size or shape cake; judged on appearance only)
Class 12 - Cake (must be at least two layers with frosting; made from scratch)
Class 13 – Cupcakes (six cupcakes with frosting made from scratch)
Class 14 - Edible Sculpture (12”x12”x12” sculpture; must be made 100% edible
products, except for the use of toothpicks and skewers)
Division 3 – Youth ages 14-18 (as of January 1 of the current year)
Class 15 - Cookies (six cookies)
Class 16 - Fudge (six pieces of fudge)
Class 17 – Brownies (six brownies)
Class 18 – Baked Fruit Pie (use one or more fruits in pie with top crust)
Class 19 – Candy (six pieces of other candy)
Class 20 – Yeast Bread (one loaf yeast bread)
Class 21 – Make it with Fresh Herbs (fresh herbs must be an ingredient)
Class 22 – Cupcake Decorating (six decorated cupcakes; judged on appearance only)
Class 23 – Cake Decorating (any size or shape cake; judged on appearance only)
Class 24 – Cake (must be at least two layers with frosting; made from scratch)
Class 25 – Cupcakes (six cupcakes with frosting made from scratch)
Class 26 - Edible Sculpture (12”x12”x12” sculpture; must be made 100% edible
products, except for the use of toothpicks and skewers)
*Includes Food & Nutrition, Clothing & Textiles, and Dogs
Consultants - Margaret Jenkins and Kelly Royalty
Judging Date: Sunday, July 16
Judging Time: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday prior to fair
Location: 4-H Hall
Awards Presentation: Thursday, July 27, at 7 p.m. as part of the Skill-a-thon Awards Ceremony
General Rules
1. The contest is open to all interested Junior Fair eligible participants, as stated in the General Junior Fair Rules.
2. Individuals will compete in three classes:
• Beginner (8 to 12 as of January 1)
• Intermediate (13 to 15 as of January 1)
• Senior (16 to 18 as of January 1)
3. Food Skill-a-thon judging will be based on food safety, nutrition knowledge and cooking knowledge. Clothing Skill-a-thon judging will be based on sewing knowledge and skills.
4. One station of the skill-a-thon will be judging of the exhibitor’s current year Food & Nutrition and/or Clothing & Textiles project book. Judging will be based on the pages completed up to the day of the skill-a-thon. The participant must clearly indicate if that page did not apply to his/her project. If a participant does not bring a current Food & Nutrition and/or Clothing & Textiles project book for any reason, they will receive a zero for that station.
Consultant: Kelly Royalty
Pre-registration: 4 p.m. Monday, before the fair at the Ohio State University Extension Office. Walk-in entries will not be accepted.
Event Date: Friday of the fair
Time: 2 p.m.
Location: 4-H Hall
Register Here: https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d1lPwmvgq3oJLBY
General Rules:
Participants must be 8 years old and in the third grade to 18 years of age as of January 1 of the current year and a member of a Clermont County 4-H, Boy Scout, Girl Scout, American Heritage Girls program to be eligible.
Entries will be judged in four divisions:
• Cloverbud – age 5 and in kindergarten to 8 and in the second grade
• Junior – age 8 and in the third grade to 11 as of January 1 of the current year
• Intermediate/Senior – ages 12-18 as of January 1 of the current year
• Adult – 19 and older as of January 1 of the current year
Entries will be judged in three categories:
Fastest car in each class
Most Creative design in each class
The car that goes the furthest distance in each class
Pre-registration must be submitted to the Ohio State University Extension Office by 4 p.m. Monday, prior to fair.
The fastest category will be judged by the car that makes if from the top to the bottom of the incline in the fastest amount of time.
The most creative category will be chosen at the judges’ discretion.
The furthest distance category will be judged simultaneously with the fastest category.
Each participant may enter one car. These entries should be brought to the fair already assembled.
Entry criteria: Each participant must make a car that is able to roll down an incline. Cars must be made with at least five different fresh fruits or vegetables and must have at least three wheels. To assemble the car, you may use up to 2 bamboo skewers, 6 wooden toothpicks and one rubber band. These cars must be made with 100-percent fresh fruit or vegetables except for the items listed above to hold the car together (bamboo skewers, toothpicks, and rubber band).
Consultant: Kelly Royalty
Display Check-In: Thursday, July 20, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the 4-H Hall
Judging Time: Fair week
Award Presentation: Thursday at 7 p.m. at Holman Livestock Complex (as part of the Skill-a-thon and Outstanding Exhibitor Awards Presentation)
General Rules
1. Clubs are responsible for watering and taking care of their flower displays throughout the week.
2. Containers may be made of any material.
3. Live plants or flowers must be planted inside the container. It is recommended that packing peanuts or an empty milk jug be placed in the bottom of the container then filled with soil to reduce weight.
4. Containers must be easily moved. Containers will be displayed at the entryway of buildings and barns around the fairgrounds.
5. Flower displays should be the work of club members.
6. The club name must be visibly displayed on the flower container.
7. The fair theme should be incorporated into the overall design.
8. In order to be judged, flower displays must be turned in to the Extension Office by the designated check-in time.
9. Flower containers will be judged on originality/creativity, overall design and incorporation of the fair theme. Awards will be given for 1st-5th place as well as individual honors for the Most Creative, Most Colorful and Best 4-H Design. Flower displays turned in late will not be judged.
Consultant - Nikki Heintzelman, Amy Heming, Holly Jennings
Skill-a-thon: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. the Sunday prior to the Fair in the 4-H Hall
Awards: 5 p.m. Thursday
Location: Holman Livestock Complex
About OEP
The Outstanding Exhibitor Program (OEP) is designed to incorporate several educational aspects of livestock production into one competition and recognize those youth who excel in the following areas; with equal weight from each area, (you must participate in all three to be part of the OEP):
Live animal placing (Equitation/Horsemanship for horses)
Showmanship placing (with your animal)
Skill-a-thon placing
The Skill-a-thon will be conducted on a digital device at the fairgrounds for the following species. Sign up for a time to participate the week before the event via social media. Project books will be graded the day of the Skillathon and be counted towards part of your Skill-a-thon score..
Market Hogs
Meat Goats (Market and Breeding)
Sheep (Breeding and Market)
Beef (Steers, Heifers and Feeder Calves)
Dairy Goats
Dairy Cattle
Rabbits (Market and Breeding)
Pygmy Goats
Fiber Goats
Fiber Sheep
General Rules
All Junior Fair exhibitors may participate in the skill-a-thon held Sunday prior to the fair.
There will be three age divisions: Beginner (ages 8 to 12), intermediate (13 to 15), and senior (age 16 to 18). **Exception- FIber goats, fiber sheep, and alpacas will have only one division without age breaks.
Live animal placing: An exhibitor will receive points for their highest placing animal in each respective species. Only one animal per exhibitor per species may be counted in the total score.
Showmanship placing: An exhibitor will receive points according to their showmanship placing. The exhibitors’ own animal must be used for showmanship.
Skill-a-thon placing: A skill-a-thon is an educational event designed to test the exhibitor’s knowledge of each respective species, which will be conducted Sunday prior to the fair. These topics may include, but are not limited to: Breeds, feeds, equipment, meat cut ID, body parts, quality assurance, etc. Resources for this event are, but not limited to, the Learning Laboratory Kits and the 4-H Resource Handbooks for each species. .
One component of the skill-a-thon will be judging of the exhibitor’s CURRENT project and record book (4-H or FFA). Judging will be based on the pages that should be completed up to the day of the skill-a-thon; the book does not have to be completely finished. However, certain pages will be selected to be scored for this component and will not be announced prior to the event. An entry is considered complete when an entire line is complete on the page (date, amount, kind, cost, etc.) The exhibitor must indicate clearly if that page did not apply to their project. If they do not bring a CURRENT project and record book, for any reason, they will receive a zero for this component. Make sure to include expenses for your project – it costs someone money to raise the project even if it is not an exhibitor. The goal of this component is to encourage record keeping and understanding of the financial aspects of the project.
All winners will be awarded at 5 p.m. Thursday in the Holman Livestock Complex. The top five in each age division also will be announced at this time. Unclaimed awards will be available for pick-up in the Junior Fair Board Office after the announcement.
Ties will be broken in the following order: (1) overall placement awarded from the skill-a-thon; (2) overall score of the skill-a-thon; (3)the test component of the skill-a-thon; (4) the project book component of the skill-a-thon.
Points will be determined according to their placing in each of the three categories. The lowest combined points for all three categories will determine winners. For example:
1st place=1 point
2nd place=2 points
3rd place=3 points
4th place= 4 points
5th place= 5 points
6th place and lower will all receive 6 points
Skill-a-thon participants may NOT compete in Skill-a-thons for species you are not exhibiting in the current year.
An exhibitor that is disqualified for any reason also will be disqualified from Skill-a-thon and OEP for the same length of time.
The committee reserves the right to adjust rules to fit the needs of a successful and fair program.
Awards will be given according to the sponsorship money available. However, ribbons will be distributed to the top five placings of each age division in both the skill-a-thon and the OEP.