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 Updated 6/26/2024


Adult Consultant: Jerry Krebs

Junior Consultant:


Arrival Time:               7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Saturday before the fair, Market Chickens and Turkeys

                                    9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Saturday before the fair, Exhibition Poultry


Dismissal Time:          Exhibition Poultry 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday

                                    Meat Rabbits – one hour after the show if they will not sell, or 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday

                                    Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning their pens and area. See Rule 3 under Care and Handling                                        in the General Livestock Rules.


Show Times:              10 a.m. Monday, Poultry Barn, Market Chickens and Turkeys. Show in this order: Chickens,                                                    Bantam, Standard, Turkey, Duck, Goose

                                   10 a.m. Tuesday, Showmanship and Breeding Show, Poultry Barn, no breed breakouts, all poultry                                          will show against each other.


Monday class order

1.      Chicken, meat pen - pen of three, purchased from the Clermont County Junior Fair Board. 

2.      Turkey meat pen - one animal

3.      Single Broiler


Tuesday Class Order

1.      Poultry Showmanship


Breeding Show Order

1.      Chicken - Bantam (pair, 2 birds, male and female, same breed, same color)

2.      Chicken - Bantam (1 bird male)

3.      Chicken - Bantam (1 bird female)

4.      Chicken - standard (pair, 2 birds, male and female, same breed, same color)

5.      Chicken - standard (1 bird male)

6.      Chickens –standard (1 bird female)

7.      Egg Production - pen of 3 (hens), does not have to be the same breed

8.      Turkey exhibition - one animal

9.      Standard duck, two ducks per project, must be same breed, same color, one male and one female. Exhibitor can show three pair – small, medium, and large – for a total of six ducks.)

10.    Geese (1 bird any sex, each size) Judged: Heavy, medium, and light, one overall winner 


Showmanship class order

1.      Single age group classes. Start oldest to youngest.


General Poultry Rules

1.      See General Rules for Junior Livestock Exhibitors for more information.

2.      Pullorum Testing:

a.     All poultry to be exhibited on the Clermont County Fairgrounds must be pullorum tested, except for the market chickens and market turkeys purchased through the Clermont County Junior Fair Board unless they are co-mingled with other poultry.

b.     This is for fancy chickens and game birds, as well as birds that have been co-mingling with other birds. See the Ohio State University Extension Office for more information. This includes exhibiting flocks.

c.     No birds may be exhibited at the fair without proof of a negative pullorum test performed within 60 days.

d.     Poultry will be tested per Ohio regulations from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. the first and third Saturday in June at the fairgrounds in the poultry barn.

e.     Turkeys must be tested by a licensed veterinarian more than two months prior to the fair check-in. If the test must be sent to Columbus for the results, the exhibitor must pay the cost.

3.      Exhibitors must feed, water and clean their animals daily. Failure to do so may result in being barred from showing and/or selling your project.

4.      There will be no fighting game birds permitted.

5.      Exhibitors may exhibit only one entry per class.

6.      No untested chickens are allowed on the grounds to sell for any reason.

7.      Exhibitors will weigh chickens between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. Saturday before the fair begins. Exhibitors must be present for weighing. 


Section I: Exhibition Poultry 

1.      All exhibition birds must be in exhibitor's ownership, possession, and care by June 1 of the current year. 


Section II: Meat Pen of Chickens 

1.      All meat chickens must originate from chickens furnished by the Clermont County Junior Fair Board. Order date and pick up time will be set by the JFB Poultry Consultant.

2.      No more than 10 may be purchased by an exhibitor.

3.      Meat birds will be weighed and checked in from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. the Saturday before the fair begins. Exhibitors must be present at weigh-in.

4.      Exhibitors may bring five birds to weigh and choose three birds to show for the pen. This is because some birds are injured in transport. The remaining two birds must be removed from the fairgrounds that evening. All injured birds will be examined by the vet to see if they can be sold.

5.      Meat pens must weigh a minimum of 15 lbs. There is no maximum weight. Pens not making weight must be removed immediately. 


Section III: Meat Turkeys 

1.      All meat turkeys must originate from turkeys furnished by the Clermont County Junior Fair Board. Order date and pick-up time will be set by the JFB Poultry Consultant.

2.      No more than five (5) turkeys may be ordered.

3.      Meat turkeys will be weighed and checked in from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Saturday before fair begins. Exhibitors must be present at weigh-in.

4.      Two (2) birds may be brought to weigh-in. Both may be weighed then the turkey to be shown shall be chosen. The remaining bird must be removed from the fairgrounds that evening, following weigh-in.

5.      There is a 20-pound minimum, with no maximum weight. 


Section IV: Broiler Project (Market Chicken)

  1. Exhibitors may show and sell one Broiler project, which is one meat chicken. This chicken must be selected before coming to the fair and cannot be part of the pen of three chickens.

  2. Broiler chicken must weigh at least 5 lbs.

  3. One broiler chicken is allowed per exhibitor.

  4. This animal may be sold.

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The Clermont County Fair
July 20 - 26, 2025
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Fair Grounds and website owned, maintained and authorized by The Clermont County Agricultural Society

​2024 Membership tickets for the Clermont County Agricultural Society will be on sale from January 2024, until Wednesday at noon of fair week. You must be a resident of Clermont County and be at least 18 years of age. Membership entitles you to voting privileges and the opportunity to run for fair board director.

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