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 Updated 6/26/2024


Adult Consultants - Chris and Tina Hunt


Show Time:                            9 a.m. Tuesday, Multi-Purpose Building

Awards Presentation:            4 p.m. Tuesday, Multi-Purpose Building


General Rules:

  1. Participation is open to youth ages 8 and in the third grade, or 9 years old and older regardless of grade level, as of January 1, of the current year. The last year of eligibility, or participation, is the year in which the individual turns 19.

  2. Winners of any one class in 2021 will not be eligible to participate in the same class for 2022 with the following exceptions: if the winners of the 2021 Pocket Pet classes (J-10 and J-11), the Reptiles and Amphibians class (J-14), and the Self-Determined class (J-15) are taking DIFFERENT species within those projects from the species with which they won in 2021.

  3. Companion animal projects include:

216 Cat 1 – Purrr-fect Pals

217 Cat 2 – Climbing Up

218 Cat 3 – Leaping Forward

215 4-H Cavy (Guinea Pig)

227 Pet Rabbits

220 Pocket Pets

365.13 Reptiles and Amphibians Idea Starter

365.26 Hedgehogs Idea Starter

365.27 Ferrets Idea Starter

365.28 Chinchillas Idea Starter

365 Self-Determined Companion Animal, for youth taking a companion animal not listed as a project above, such as caged birds, pot-bellied pigs, hermit crabs, pet chickens, etc.

  • Pocket Pets, Project No. 220, includes only the following animals: mice, rats, hamsters, and gerbils.

  • Self-Determined Companion Animals should be judged during Companion Animal Day. Youth may NOT have their self-determined companion animal projects judged at both Companion Animal Day and Self-Determined Day.

  1. No one individual may participate in more than one class, if selected to participate in the state fair.

  2. Winners of each class will compete for BEST OF SHOW.


Judging Criteria

  1. Participants will have an interview with a judge.

  2. The judge will evaluate participants on their knowledge of the project, the overall interview, and the visual display.

  3. Participants must bring:

  • Completed project book (if applicable); completed project records.

  • An educational display representing the learning experience of the current project. Youth must include visuals showing interaction with pet such as handling, feeding, grooming, cleaning habitat, etc.

  • Project animal

  • Exhibitors must bring animals to the show in a safe carry case appropriate to the pet. Housing and carry cases are considered separate items. Judges will determine if carry case is appropriate and safe. If the judge determines a carry case is not appropriate and safe, the exhibitor will be disqualified. This is for the protection of exhibitors and others.

  • All companion animals must be removed from the fairgrounds immediately following the show.

  • Exhibitors who bring their pets to the fairgrounds assume all risks related to health, proper handling, and security.



All ages are 4-H age, as of January 1, of the current year.

J-1 Cat 1 – (ages 8-10)

J-2 Cat 1 – (ages 11-13)

J-3 Cat 1 – (ages 14-18)

J-4 Cat 2 – (ages 8-12)

J-5 Cat 2 – (ages 13-18)

J-6 Cat 3 – (ages 8-18)

J-7 Pet Rabbits – (ages 8-10)

J-8 Pet Rabbits – (ages 11-13)

J-9 Pet Rabbits – (ages 14-18)

J-10 Pocket Pets – (ages 8-12)

J-11 Pocket Pets – (ages 13-18)

J-12 Cavies – (ages 8-12)

J-13 Cavies – (ages 13-18)

J-14 Reptiles & Amphibians – (ages 8-18)

J-15 Self-Determined/Hedgehog, Ferret, Chinchilla Idea Starters – (ages 8-18)

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The Clermont County Fair
July 20 - 26, 2025
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Fair Grounds and website owned, maintained and authorized by The Clermont County Agricultural Society

​2024 Membership tickets for the Clermont County Agricultural Society will be on sale from January 2024, until Wednesday at noon of fair week. You must be a resident of Clermont County and be at least 18 years of age. Membership entitles you to voting privileges and the opportunity to run for fair board director.

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